Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Peter Pans don't just live in San Francisco

Last night, I watched The Beach for the first time on (where else) the beach. Backpackers in search of this pristine island that happens to be a natural dope growing oasis, threatening dangers they failed to foresee. Everyone trying to find something no one else knows about. Trying to discover the unknown, untouched, unseen. Isn't that what we are all trying to pursue? Finding Eden? Even if we know we will always want more.

I think it may come down to wanting to delay the inevitable: growing up. In The Beach, the main character (Richard) goes to Thailand and feels the need to prove something to himself, and most likely, to others. He walks through his time there as if it's a game to be won. He is ultimately trying to escape everything that is familiar and safe. Sometimes, we need to open our eyes and just grow up. Running away because we want to stay Peter Pan in NeverNeverland is only going to bring about temporary satisfaction. Even Joe Cummings, one of the original Thailand area specialists for Lonely Planet starts to get weary from his travels. For a guy who spends 6 months hopping from one city to another (and the rest of the 6 months writing about it), you would think he'd be estactic to lead a very challenging, fast-paced life. While he is able to appreciate what he does for a living, it does get mundane after a while. Living out of your backpack, sleeping in a different bed every night, the loneliness that can overwhelm you - it's tough work and is probably not as glamorous as one might think.

I can understand if every once in a while, you do something to shake things up. That's what allows you to appreciate both everyday life at home and the exotic of getting out and going somewhere you haven't been before. When I find what I love to do, my hope is that I will not feel the need to get away, but be able to take a break and truly enjoy it for what it is - a break

Ok, enough about movie nights on Koh Tao. My notebook has become my best friend. I rarely go anywhere without it and feel lost when I do forget to put it in my bag. These blog posts stem from the jumbled notes I furiously scribble while people-watching, eating breakfast, or watching the sunset with a frosty Singha in my hand. Writing these accounts and knowing that you are reading some of my most personal thoughts and opinions has been liberating, to say the least. For some of you, it might feel like you are now just getting to know me, even if we have been friends for a decade (or more). I am able to write freely and say things I might not actually share with you in person. I hope I haven't offended anyone (and if so, sorry, you'll just have to deal) and I really do hope I haven't been the voice of a Debbie Downer. If there are points you disagree with me on, I would like nothing more but to hear from you when I'm back in SF. I'm not trying to use this blog as some sort of soap box, but I wouldn't be surprised if there are people reading who find that it might seem that way. Overall, I am happy to share these experiences and personal epiphanies as they come along. Traveling alone for this portion of the trip has made for some lonely moments, but being able to share on this blog has provided me with a sense of consistency I am missing from home.

I hope you are well wherever you are reading this from. Thank you for listening.



  1. I looked around in the city and neither Wendy NOR Tinkerbell could be found there. Better get to Thailand quick. I hear they are hanging out there...

  2. You'll be hanging out with a Wendy very for Tinkerbell, I'll keep my eyes open.
